Why Good Friday is Good?

For Whom & Why

Did the Judge take the verdict on himself?

Imagine a scenario where a judge is faced with the difficult task of passing judgment on his own son who stands guilty of a crime. As the judge, bound by the law's integrity, he knows he cannot alter the course of justice or its verdict. Yet, in an act of unparalleled love, he rises from his seat, stoops down from his lofty position, and willingly accepts the punishment meant for his son. He embraces the consequences of his son's wrong doing, taking upon himself the penalty that was rightfully his son was to bear.

This poignant scene finds its parallel in history, on a Friday many centuries ago Jesus willingly took our place. Just as the judge sacrificed himself for his son, Jesus, sinless and blameless, voluntarily offered himself. He took upon himself the punishment that rightfully belonged to us, enduring the agony of the cross so that we might experience forgiveness, peace, and joy.

Good Friday serves as a powerful reminder of this extraordinary exchange. It's a day that speaks of redemption, of hope, and of the boundless love of God. Through Jesus sacrifice, we find the ultimate solution to our struggles and pains – a solution that extends to every individual, every family, and every corner of society.

So, let's not just remember a historical event, but let's personalize its significance. Let's connect with Jesus on the cross, embracing the new life and freedom he offers, and embarking on a journey marked by purity, love, and grace. And let's never forget the profound truth that because Jesus embraced death, we have the gift of abundant life.

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